All Energy Solar

What to Look for in a Solar Installer

Considering going solar but not sure how to choose the right installer? Fortunately, there are a number of clear criteria that set the good installers apart from those to avoid.

AES-What-to-Look-for-in-an-Installer-v2Referrals first. A big red flag is when a company is unwilling or unable to provide referrals. Even if they do, it’s also wise to do your own due diligence and ask around.

Transparent costs, calendar and communication. Solar installation is complex, costly and profoundly impacts the core infrastructure—roof, wiring, etc.—of your home or business. Find a company known for clear, fair pricing with no surprises; a realistic installation calendar; and excellent communication before, during and after the job is complete.

Timeliness. As with any contractor, you want a solar installer who will be there when they say they will be there and finish the job on time. Basic, but not always easy to find.

Customization experience. One size does not fit all: every house is different, every customer’s needs are different. Be sure your solar installer can work with you to create a system that will work for you.

No hard sell. If the company’s sales pitch is pushy, glosses over details and makes you uncomfortable, trust your gut. Good companies will walk you through pricing, the installation process and address your concerns before you sign on the dotted line.

Long company history with no debt. Fly-by-night solar companies come and go with market fluctuations, sometimes leaving customers high and dry in the middle of a job. Look for one that has stood the test of time and is financially solvent to ensure you will not only be dealing with experienced professionals now, but that they will be around for the life of the system.


Download our eBook, “Going Solar: The Time is Now.” for information and professional insights on the solar energy landscape.




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